With the economy the way it is, we as businesses need all the support and help we can get. It is crucial to keep a clear head and stand together with our fellow brethren. We are recently seeing a growing trend of Irish business people banding together to support one another.
A group of Irish business people have set up online support for small businesses via Twitter called #SMEcommunity. This group has grown from 2 tweeters to more than 750 in three months. The #SMEcommunity is comprised of a variety of companies ranging from artisan food markets to metal prefabricators. A tweet by business mentor Vincent Bryne captures the essence of this group: “This business journey isn't meant to be a solo effort - getting help is as much a part of it as the good stuff. So ask! #SMEcommunity”. This community has set up 12 informal meetings around Ireland and has set up a second round to meet Mayo members last week. This provides businesses with great opportunities to share ideas and network themselves to new prospects.
SMEs are the driving force that’s going to pick up Irelands economy. We are the backbone that holds the weight of Ireland’s burden on our shoulders. The SME community has taken a big hit with the recession. In 2007-2010, the SME sector lost more than 128,000 jobs. This represents about 15% of the total workforce. The European Commission notes that SMEs account for more than 99% of all EU businesses, two-thirds of private sector jobs, and contribute to more than half of the value-added.
SMEs are the voices that matter and the people we should be helping the most. It is amazing to see efforts being made like the Twitter #SMEcommunity. This is giving people a fighting chance. Anyone is allowed to join the events hosted by this community and chime in on any of the conversations going on. The best part about it is it’s free! There is hope for Ireland. If we continue to support each other and help in any way, we can bring Ireland back to a glorified nation. It only takes one to make a difference.
I’ll end by quoting Debbie Harper of Foxford-based Tus Nua Designs: "The growth of the #SMEcommunity has been so phenomenal — it is all about people giving each other hands-on practical help and advice. Knowing there are other business people rooting for your success gives a feeling of unity and strength in numbers,