Friday, 30 September 2011

Extraordinary Generosity For Extraordinary Times.

The speed and indiscriminate nature of this recession has crushed the spirit of so many of Irish people who up to relatively recently (myself included) were earning good livings, running profitable businesses, employing people, bringing home a comfortable salary to support loved ones. "How can everything have been pulled so quickly from under our feet?" is a sentiment that hangs heavy in the air.

And then, I put my Hireland hat on and look to the goodwill, positivity and generosity this people powered movement of ours has received, and one word just about sums it all up - overwhelming.

People and organizations who have been battening down the hatches to weather the storm as best they can have given and continue to pledge in significant  ways to ensure Hireland gets the start it deserves - free airtime pledged from the Irish radio and tv industry, free outdoor and newspaper space from the Irish  print industry not to mention the hundreds hours of time that has been given to this project from professionals top in their game who have been working on this initiative before  and after their day jobs start and finish.

If the old saying no good deed goes unrewarded is true there is a barrel of good karma coming the way of so many Irish businesses and professionals who have been willing us forward since we started this journey last February.